Land and ecosystems

  • The Queensland Herbarium is the centre for science, research and information on Queensland’s ecosystems and species of plants, fungi, algae and animals.

  • Queensland Herbarium is Queensland’s lead agency for survey, mapping and monitoring of the state’s vegetation and regional ecosystems, including wetlands and groundwater dependent ecosystems.

  • Scientists in our remote sensing centre use data from satellites, airborne sensors and ground platforms to map and monitor Queensland’s landscapes.

  • Technical advice and information about soils and land management, land suitability, and cost effective management of acid sulfate soils.

  • WildNet supports Queensland’s biodiversity and protected areas by providing important wildlife information that underpins conservation policies, programs and management responses.

  • Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) is a scientific monitoring program to monitor and report annual change in woody vegetation in Queensland to provide data and reporting to inform a range of environment, natural resource and disaster management applications.